All Natural Fabrics

Juniperous Clothing is made completely of natural and biodegradable fabrics.

The garments are non-toxic, have a traceable life-cycle chain, and do not contain ANY plastic or synthetic materials.

Not even in the thread. 

Juniperous Fibers website.jpg

The natural fabrics Juniperous Clothing is made of are certified

Sustainable Biodegradable Products™ ( SBP®). 

SBP® Sustainable / Biodegradable Products, considers corporate responsibility and product transparency to be an essential part of any company or product.  Manual labor has a social aspect, creates jobs, and has a low carbon footprint.

SBP® includes the following accredited certifications:   


One of the coolest things about the small family farmers that grow and care for the hemp and cotton used in Juniperous Clothing, is that they are ecologically minded! 

They're using ecologically conscious and soil building farming practices like companion planting and returning unused plant materials directly to the soil from which they grew, an essential practice for soil health -which is one of the MOST pressing issues in planetary wellness today.


Transparency is an important part of Sustainability!

Click below to view the transparency report for the fabrics used at Juniperous.